((.touch.here.so.i.can.cream.)) ((.touch.here.so.i.can.breathe.))((.touch.here.so.i.can.feel.)) ((.touch.here.so.i.can.live.)).

i think maybe if you would stop stealing and just started talking, you would be fucking beautiful.

and i.m not saying i have the truth. i.m not saying i have the real. i.m saying that i.m not an artstar wannabe cracking open my fake insides for a little recognition. i.m trying to show you that i bleed red. that i think in survival. that i have a love for work not pretty re-arrangements. you can.t claim something and not give it credit. you can.t become characters. you can.t take their work and sweat and name tag it. don.t you fucking get it?

so please. if you see me. just go away.
