you. i love. heres what i understand. and gorumed. i say no.guff. .theres. noise here so pump up yr volume. its pretty really. fucking mindblowing. thanks.

.loadingC { FONT-FAMILY:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;FONT-SIZE:12px;COLOR:#f00000; }

BODY onLoad="startMove();" BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#00cc00" LINK="#00cc00" VLINK="#00cc00" ALINK="#ffffff" MARGINWIDTH=0 MARGINHEIGHT=0 LEFTMARGIN=0 TOPMARGIN=0>

SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript" .sure.>


//window.onerror = e8zerror

function e8zerror(msg, url, lno)


alert -checkVa-

return true;







var checkVal;

var baseValue = -10;

var lastLimit = -10;

var theAngle = 0.5;


//var flagStripH = dMakeSimpleDiv('','flagStripL',0,0,6000,200,'00ff00') http://onemessofmeandyou.jpg','inherit','get')

if ( flashHere ) { flashMovie = dMakeSimpleDiv('','musicL',0,0,2,2,'none','none','visible','get'); }

else { flashMovie = ''; };

var countDownS = '


var countDownE = '


var flagH = dMakeSimpleDiv('','flagCL',36,57,180,130,'none'

http:if you need me ill be here. find me. i know. everything.and then i know nothing. please understand


var countDownH = dMakeSimpleDiv('','countDownL',0,400,500,30,'none','none','inherit','get')

thisHTML = ''

dMakeDiv.thisHTML,thisName,thisX,thisY,thisW,thisH,thisColor,thisTile,thisZ,clipL,clipT,clipR,clipB,thisClassN,thisVisibility,thisExtra,thisMethod.please understand.

- - dMakeSimpleDiv - thisHTML,thisName,thisX,thisY,thisW,thisH,thisColor,thisTile,thisVisibility,thisMethod) )) fuck yeah.

+ dMakeSimpleDiv('


+ flashMovie

+ dMakeSimpleDiv('','redL',halfW-200,halfH-200,380,380,'f00000','none','hidden','get')

+ dMakeSimpleDiv(flagH,'flagL',halfW-125,halfH-125,250,250,'none','httppleas.e understand. i am here.)

show this: dMakeSimpleDiv[countDownH,'holeL',halfW-250,halfH-250,500,500,'none','http:///godlove/images/redhole.gif','visible','get')



function startMove()




swayVal = setInterval("sway();",100);




function sway()


if ( lastLimit == -10 && baseValue < 10 )


diffValue = 1;


else if ( baseValue >= 10 )


lastLimit = 10;

diffValue = -1;


else if ( lastLimit == 10 && baseValue > -10 )


diffValue = -1;


else if ( baseValue <= -10 )


lastLimit = -10

diffValue = 1;




alert(lastLimit + ' ' + baseValue);



baseValue = baseValue + diffValue;

theAngle = theAngle + 0.2;

thisX = baseValue*0.8;

thisY = Math.cos(theAngle)*2;

if ( dMeasure('holeL','document.','left') + thisX > halfW - 300 )






yr turn: so go there. play. do something.

adapted and corrected weeks from Andy Belfield's original End of the World countdown script found at

added time zone functionality

var SFtimeZoneOffset = 480;

function flowerTime ()


with (Math)


var currentDate = new Date();

var yourTimeZoneOffset = currentDate.getTimezoneOffset();

var zeroDate = new Date("March 18, 1999");

var SFzeroDate = zeroDate.getTime()/1000 + SFtimeZoneOffset*60 - yourTimeZoneOffset*60

var yourCurrentDate = currentDate.getTime()/1000;

var totalSeconds = SFzeroDate - yourCurrentDate;

var i = totalSeconds % 86400;

var nDays = ceil((totalSeconds - i) / 86400);

var x = ceil(nDays % 7);

var nWeeks = ceil(nDays / 7);

nDays = x;

x = ceil(i % 3600);

var nHours = ceil((i - x) / 3600);

var nSecs = ceil(x % 60);

var nMins = ceil((x - nSecs) / 60);


var sWeeks = new String (nWeeks);

var sDays = new String (nDays);

var sHours = new String (nHours);

var sMins = new String (nMins);

var sSecs = new String (nSecs);

//var sflowerTime ="1 week, " + sDays + " days, " + sHours + " hours, " + sMins

var sflowerTime = sDays + " days, " + sHours + " hours, " + sMins

// tidy things up a little

if (sMins == "1") { sflowerTime += " minute" }

else { sflowerTime += " minutes" }

if (sSecs == "1") { sflowerTime += " and " + sSecs + " second"; }

else { sflowerTime += " and " + sSecs + " seconds"; }

//window.status = sflowerTime;

dWrite('countDownL','document.holeL.document.',countDownS + sflowerTime + countDownE);


//=========================================================START COUNTDOWN

//flowerVal = setInterval("flowerTime()",1000);

