to you:

{from charm}

these two girls. only with each other were they young. they would take each other's hands and run screaming through the night. no one could touch them, then. dressed as ragged, raging boys; people were afraid of them. devouring stolen roses and gardenias, stuffing their faces with petals. rolling in the dirt, scratching so that their nails ached, filled with soil. the fair skinned one would bind the other's breasts, gently, gently so they were hidden in the flannel shirt. the dark skinned one would wipe the powder and paint from the other's face. they would trace each other's initials with a razor blade on their palms and hold hands til their blood was one. these secret rampages were their own -- they could look at each other anywhere, no matter what was happening around them-- to them -- and be free, be back, roaming, hollering, shrieking, untouched except by each other.
