i never wanted much from you. i just wanted you to keep your hands off of me. and i wanted you to not stick your tongue in my ear telling me that.s what my mom liked. but now that i am so very much a fountain girl. i can tell you that you.re so full of shit it surrounds me. yr so full of rotting flesh in and out and you just stuff your face 400lbs heavy. and do you know that you smell like cum stained sheets. or maybe that.s just my head trying to tell me that i don.t like you. and now i don.t even have anyone to save me from you. i dont have the you of the songs anymore. and when bjork says "tell me that you.ll wait for me / hold me like you.ll never let me go" there.s no real you to jump in and fill in the blank. so you is me and i am full of my own shit to last me a lifetime. so get ready miss. machine in. machine out.

but then again we do have that year huh mountain.
