when it.s really good. when it means something. when it.s not the same. when it tells it and it means it. when it moves slow and honest. when it.s too fucking beautiful. when it.s that minute of perfection. when talking becomes art. when it.s you and me. when you make sense out of all this. when i think i.m not matching you. when i smell like shit and you couldn.t give a shit. when i see you catching up to me. when i run to catch up with you. when i figure you out. when you let me be wrong. when i bite my hands raw. when i can.t think of anything else but this. when i am not in your space. when i force myself to sleep to make the noise shut up. when it stops being about me. when he fed me drivel. when i ate his shit. when we fell asleep for the first time and i kept waking up. when i stepped drunk-naked into this. when i scratched you and left a mark. when i wanted you to scratch me harder. when i said [stay] and you [left.]
