fuck optimism. and even in theory we couldnt have a democracy. i want to thank all you limp fashion activists who decided that yr too hip, too cool, too punk, too tormented, too apathetic, too lazy to register and vote. we now have a born rich southern mysoginist in power. lets hijack the disco. lets rape america for four years. and cheers to no working wage, no universal healthcare, imf, nafta. fuck me and fuck america. everythings glamorous here. wheres the glamous in lynching? wheres the glamour in killing? george w. bush is a murderer. and a big fuck you to everyone who was too busy being socially uninvolved man to get out there and do something.

and all i wanted was to not have our existance wiped out, i.m sorry gal. my chest is so heavy right now. i need to plan a riot.
