holy allen ginsberg. he was a fucking genius. was/is. IS. - - shit, i'm on my way to morpheus i wonder if i can find it in MP3 format. i.ll check. meanwhile i'm listening to the live version of dramamine..the one that makes death a fucking beautiful option. ouch. and our hearts are just made out of strings to be pulled. ///// i downed some coffee, my hands are freezing, i'm finishing my paper, i'm done with it, i dont care enough to stop writing this, i care enough to want to give you more, i have an interest in the smell, i want to maybe find out more, i like saetia, his voice is like a toybox to me, does that make sense . yeah i'm sure it will. --- i'm amped/wired/and whatever the term in hurlyburly was. GODDAMN THAT MOVIES FANTASTIC~!! fucking sean penn in that movie is just like me. and maybe you.re the escapist like spacey. ......but such a delicate balance. [the goddamn halo/pitchfork lineage again] let's skip the words and just say that if you want to know anything about anything, if you want to know anything about who you are.///about who i am////about the shit that goes on here everyday...we have to say that it.s all in fucking symbols....i dont know if you.re ready? are you? . ///////////////// it fucking goes like this.........


.......... and thats the fucking headrush, keeping that balance...reminding yourself of that balance. i have it inked on my wrists, and does me a very small amount of good, but that small amount is pretty fucking significant. LET ME IN. nah, nevermind, i wouldnt like it in there anyway. ------- why i will get up tomorrow: code red mountain dew, my playlist titled: noise_me, salad & rice. ///// maybe you need to download BREAK by fugazi....i'm thinking that its possibly the worlds best instrumental poetry i.ve ever heard. but it could be that its the best at this very moment. ---- i see this all as ok ---- i see this as nothing. ---- i see this as everything.
